One thing for sure, when it comes to car, you can not wear fake brand just to look great like some people does to their clothes, bags, or shoes. You just can’t. There isn’t any fake Ferrari or fake Porsche, or fake Lamborghini like other brands in fashion. When it comes to car, you are buying your prestige. I know it is hard to have a sport car here in Bali because there isn’t any clean track for you to spin. But in Jakarta, all of the owners of sport cars rent a circuit in Sentul once a month just to spin their babies. Yeah, that’s what they call their car.
I don’t have any sport cars yet, but I do have a dream of owning one. At the moment, I drive a beemers but my dream car is actually Lamborghini Gallardo, and it has to be a white one just like the one they used in Akon’s ’Smack That’ video. It was so cool. And did I mention to you that this car is faster than Ferrari? But that is my dream that above reality because the price of that kind of car is ridiculous here because of the tax, it is almost triple of the original price back then in Europe. So yeah, never mind. But, I still do have another dream car that I would probably get it someday and it’s an Audi R8. I love that car since the first time I saw it in a Motor Show in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and guess what, that car is actually a result of a merger between Audi and Lamborghini Gallardo. Go figure, no wonder I fell in love with that car right a way!
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