For these last few weeks, everyone in Facebook thingy was talking about how their privacy been violated by the site. Now here is the thing that for me was kind of funny. When we decided to join the site, I believe that no one ever force us to. We registered ourself voluntarily. And as far am concern, no one has any access to give this social network our information but us. We, the members, took a fully responsible on what kind of information that we want them to show on our profile, which pictures we want to share with whom, and how far do we want people to see our profile. So, when everyone started to blame the site for their privacy that 'they claimed' being violated, for me, this was a joke! And when they asked everyone else to join their group to leave Facebook on a certain date, I couldn't stop laughing. Seriously!
Now, let me tell you guys something. When you first decided to join this site, what was your intention? Me, to have fun. So yeah, of course, I was never took this thing that serious. It was just purely fun. Hence, I was never feel violated by anything this site done. Because I aware very much so that I was the one who is responsible with any of these. When I put a certain picture of me on the site, I knew totally that, that means I lost my right to sue anyone when the picture ended up in a wrong hand. So yeah, get real guys...don't blame the site, blame yourself! I mean, after posted those pictures of you with those skimpy bikinis and now you said that your privacy had been violated? Duh!
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