Friday, 6 February 2009

It's Vegas, Baby!

If someone asks me what is my favorite holiday destination, the answer is definitely Las Vegas. When people said it’s a sin city, it is absolutely correct! When we told the cab driver who took us from the airport to the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino that we are going to spent ten days there, he was literally shocked. He said, nobody ever spent that kind of long time there, unless if you are a professional gambler. People normally only spend two to three days and get out of that city as soon as possible. There were too many temptations there. And I don’t know where to began this story to you guys.
Okay, let start with the casinos. After all, that is what we are looking for when we were in Las Vegas, right? Even McDonald’s restaurants have a slot machines here. Vegas is the biggest casinos place in the world. And they called it the city that never sleep. Oh yes, at night time you will be blinded by heavy lights that come from all the hotels and buildings. So beautiful. I’ve been to casinos in Macau, Genting, and Melbourne, and none of this places has a casino as good as Las Vegas. And you know what? You really could win something in Vegas. I never trust my luck on gambling. But in Vegas, I won almost five hundred bucks on slot machines. And for me, that was amazing. My man also won quite a lot on black jack tables. We even got six days compliment for our hotel room. Oh well, we should though, considered how much money we spent. But honestly, the casinos in Vegas are the best!
Now, the attractions and nightlife. While you were in Vegas, you have to go to any attractions that they have in almost every hotels. As for us, we went to Cirque O’Soile at Bellagio Hotel and Casino. And that was unbelievable! The stage, the players, the crowds, I’m telling you for the first time you won’t be complained about spending that kind of money for one show. We also had Tournament of The King dinner which was nothing special, but who’s care? This is Vegas, everything looks amazing in here. And I won’t forget about the Pussycats Dolls’ show at Pure night club in Cesar Palace. Gosh, they all so sexy and that words came from me, a girl, would you believe it? Yup, only in Vegas you can go out and enjoy a stripper or Chippendale show with your spouse. And if you were lucky enough like us, you can catch one of those Auto Show, they always has it there.
Did you know that Las Vegas is actually a desert? To watering the city, they actually build a dam called Hoover Dam, I think it was came from the name of their mayor at the time when they building the dam. They were literally split off a mountain in to two so that sea water can went through to the city. Only God knew how many people dead when they build it. And I could not described how amazing the dam was. I was speechless.
As a woman, I won’t forget about shopping. My favorite was Fashion Show Mall at the end of Vegas Strip. At the time when I was there, the mall was still under renovation, but still, I enjoyed shopping there. If you fancy some expensive stuffs, you can go to one of those hotel’s Arcade that selling many designer and branded stuffs (I told you there were a lot of temptations here, aren’t I?) And don’t forget all those small shops on Vegas Boulevard, they sells any kind of Las Vegas Merchandise such as Marilyn Monroe’s bags, Fridge’s stickers, and stuffs.
So, if you ask how much money we spent in Vegas? Plenty. But, are we coming back again? Definitely. Who’s care about the money. After all, it’s Vegas, Baby!

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