Friday, 6 February 2009

Are You Man Enough?

My man hates pink color. For some reasons he just could not stand of the color that he thought was a girlie one. A question came up in my mind? Is pink is a girlie color? I do like pink, but I am not a girlie type of girl. No-no, I am not. What is wrong with that color that makes men a little bit uncomfortable with it? My gay friends always refuse to use that color because they thought it will be too obvious for them. I was like, how come?
For century now, most of people think that gender has color. If you are going to have a baby girl, then you decorated her room in pink. And if you are going to have a baby boy, then blue is the color. Funny though, this color thing only happen to men. Women never even bother. If they said blue is a man’s color, then why women never feel intimidated with this color. We are okay wearing blue outfit or black or any other color.
One of my male friend said that he won’t wear any pink or red color outfit, because he is afraid some people might have a wrong impression on him since he is indeed a little bit soft kind of guy. I was like, so what? Why a lot of guys afraid of people might have a wrong impression of them if they are wearing a certain color like pink? If you think you are man enough, if you think that you kind of a macho guy, then why you so intimidated with a color? Don’t you think it is in fact showing that you are probably not sure about your self? If you feel comfortable with your self, don’t you think you should be brave to wear any color without thinking that other people might think of you as the other way?
So guys, are you man enough to wear pink?

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