Friday, 6 February 2009

Blackberry Vs. iPhone

I call myself a gadget freak because I always have a budget every year to buy one or two toys to entertain myself. Sometime it can be a mobile phone, an MP3 player, a stereo system for my car, or even a home theater. This year, after got an iPod touch for my birthday, I’ve been thinking of buying a mobile phone with 3G technology. I know, you’d probably thinking how could I call myself a gadget freak but don’t even have a 3G mobile? Yeah, my O2 PDA phone doesn’t have a 3G technology since I bought it like four years ago when 3G was not a popular thing like now days. So yeah, after working so hard this year (yeah, right!) I think I have a reason to rewarded myself with something cool.
When my friend Eva found out that I was looking for a new mobile phone, she was like, “Get a Blackberry, so we can chat easily!” I was like, a Blackberry? So I made some phone calls, checked on their website, asking around to get any information about this thing. And honestly, I was falling in love with Blackberry Bold in an instant! Despite the price here in Indonesia is like more than 900 bucks, it looks so cool!
But (oh yeah, there is a but!) when I read in T3 magazine that the hottest gadget for this year is iPhone 3G, I had a doubt. A big one. This iPhone thing is look so cool too! Despite the Apple promises that this new iPhone is going to be cheaper than the last one, the fact here is we have to get it from black market since they don’t have any contract with any provider in here yet so that the price is like up to the roof, it’s gonna cost you like a thousand bucks! Yeah-yeah…the price you have to pay to be at the front of that line! But is that really necessary so that you willing to spend that amount of money for something that actually cost only one fifth of those amount? Come on, seriously!
For someone who call herself a gadget freak, sometime I don’t care about the price. But I don’t like buying stuffs from black market either. So yeah, in that point, I think I am going to pick a Blackberry. Then along came my friend Eva who bought her Blackberry Bold from a friend from Hong Kong for the price of 600 bucks. Then friend of a friend said that she bought her Blackberry Bold for only 450 bucks in Singapore. I was like, oh come on! You have got to be kidding me! How could I make a decision which one to buy if the thing like this keep going and going?
Seriously, I was curious, when it comes to buy any gadget, what comes first? Technology? Price? Or design? Or all? Or even none? For me, I don’t like buying anything common that used by so many people. That is why I will never ever buy a certain brand that is so common and used by everyone so that they use a phrase ‘Connecting People’ as their motto. Heaven forbid!

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