Sunday, 17 October 2010

So Much For Her Happy Ending

This is a real true story about a woman, let say her name was Mrs. Z (of course I won’t tell you guys her real name, it won’t be appropriate), an illiterate Javanese woman who was living in an unbelievably turmoil life story. I don’t know where to start it, but let me at least tell you about her ‘not so much fun’ childhood remedy first. When she was fourteen, a guy who was a friend of her family saw her when she was playing with other kids around her house and fell in love with her. They guy, who was seven years older than her, asked his parents to proposed to her parents and asked them to let him marry her. Over some financial consideration, her parents accept the proposal and the next thing she remembered was her wedding day. She was just fourteen!
Being married with that guy for almost 28 years and having six kids and eight grandchildren, just to found that the guy was cheated on her so many times and she didn‘t know about it at all until it was too late. It was already became a habit for him. Then three years ago she met a guy, a much younger guy, who was a friend of a student who lived in her rented room and seduced her. Oh, maybe I didn’t tell you earlier but she was a pretty much beautiful lady. I can see her beauty was still out there even if she was 45. So yeah, maybe the guy was after her money or maybe he really loved her, who knows? The main thing was, she got into his charm and decided to had an affair with him. Hey, am not justifying what she has done, but everyone makes mistake in their life and nobody’s perfect. But when the husband found out about it, he was furious. Despite on how he was also cheated on her, he divorced her. Luckily, the young lad took her and marry her, maybe he does love her after all. But of course, everyone in her family, especially her children were against this craziness. They got their point though, the guy was almost as young as the oldest son, for sure it made it awkward for them. All of the children were saying that he was only after their mum’s money. They didn’t really care about their mum’s feeling but they were just selfishly blacklisted the guy. So of course, after living in some kind of dilemma for almost three years, she decided to went with the kids and divorced the guy. Yeah, as a mother, she put her own feeling aside and follow what she thought good for her kids. “I lost their dad already, I don’t want to lose them as well,” that was her answer when I asked why. Oh mother, how great your heart is!
A couple of month after her second divorce, she found out that she was pregnant. Over her naivety, she thought because of her age, she won’t be able to get pregnant anymore then she never used any birth control whatsoever and it worked in the first three years of their marriage, but when she then divorced, everything changes. God must have done His work in a funny way, if He really has something to do with this. But yeah, this news was obviously stressed her out so she called a friend who live in Bali and asked if she could crushed on her couch for a week or so just to get rid of her problem and that was how she was ended up in this island of Gods at first place. Having coming to the island only for a second time but this time as a single lady who was pretty hurting by men, she decided to had a bit of fun for herself. The third night she was in the island, she went for a ’supposed to be’ fun night out with her friend then they headed to a seafood restaurant somewhere on a beach which was quite famous for seaside culinary spot. Again, over her naivety, she rushed herself to call her kids back home in some city in Java while waiting for the waitress getting their table ready just for showing off to them. Big mistake. While calling her kids, she was accidentally put her other hand on the back of a Korean tourist’s chair without knowing that there was a big bag underneath the chair contains two laptops, one handy-cam, and a digital camera. Out of sudden, a waiter grabbed her hand and accused her of trying to steal the bag. She tried to defense herself but nobody listened to her. Then came along the polices who took her and her friend to the station. But when they were in front of the restaurant waiting for the police’s car to take them away, a man, out of nowhere shouted and called them thieves. One guy started to through out a punch and everything was out of control started from there.
Seriously guys, can you imagine running away from your messy life just to found out that you were pretty much pregnant in your middle age, got accused of trying to steal, got beaten by mass inhuman people and taken to the police station? What a curse! On the way to the police station, her friend asked Mrs. Z to handed her money to her to hide in her pants because otherwise the police will take them. And again, over her naivety, she did it. So when she said to the police that she was not a thief but she was there for eating and the police asked her if she has any money to eat in that restaurant, she said yes but she gave it to her friend which being questioned in separated room with her, the police (obviously) did not buy that. I don’t blame the police as they were only doing their job but the injustice happened when she was asked to sign out a paperwork which she didn‘t know what it was all about (I told you that she couldn‘t read and write, didn’t I?) and over her (yeah, again) naivety, she did it. And nobody even had a decency to read it for her first before she signed it out. And now, after almost one and a half month being kept in the ‘as minimum facilities as you can imagine’ jail, she was still hasn’t get any information about he case whatsoever. She didn’t even have any contact with her family until the fourth day she was there and when she finally had a chance to contacted her family, it wasn’t the police who gave her that ‘one phone call’ chance but from a girl who came to visit her boyfriend who was there because of his gambling case, who felt pity for the pregnant Mrs. Z then allow her using her mobile to make a call. OMG! Talking about justice in this country! I thought everyone is innocent until they proved guilty, but not for this extraordinary case. No wonder she tried to killed herself at the first week she was in there.
So yeah, by this coming Monday, she will be officially there for one a half month without any progress on her situation. I won’t interfere the case as I don’t write this to intimidate anyone, specially not the police. But what comes to my concern was her rights as a human. Three weeks ago when the first time I came to visit her, there she was slept on a cold concrete floor with only some pieces of newspaper to covered it. She was pregnant for God sake! Then I asked if she ever visit a doctor about her pregnancy, she said never. Then I smell something terrible, so I asked. OMG, you won’t believe what she told me. The toilet in her sell was broken and split into two since the first day she was there. She told the guard already but no one doing nothing about it. What a shame! So yeah, that day I made the police fixed the toilet and while the worker doing it, I made the police took Mrs. Z to the clinic to check on her pregnancy. Seriously, I can sleep well afterwards. I mean, despite on either she was guilty or not, but she was a human just like us. She has a right to be treated as a human, a thief or not a thief. I was seriously concern about her but I can not do anything about her case. I felt some suspicious conspiracies here as the daughter told me that she paid some amount of money to the police investigator who claimed that they were for the attorney to seal the deal to released Mrs. Z, but it was more than a week ago and she was still in there. Poor little Mrs. Z, her friend who was with her at the scene had been released five weeks ago. Did she framed her? I don’t know. I don’t even want to go that far. But I promised myself to be always there whenever she needs me, not that I knew her personally, but only over my deepest sympathy to her. I really hope that she will come out of this mess and start her brand new life soon. God bless her.

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