Thursday, 9 September 2010

How Far Would You Go?

Here is the thing, I practice modern Islam. It’s not that I against conventionalism, but I just don’t believe that religion ban you from having fun. As long as you stay in a right pattern, then you’ll be alright. For example, I love wearing nail polish on my toe and finger nails. Orthodox says that as a Moslem, you are not allowed to. But for me, nail polish makes your hand and feet look pretty and I believe that God will understand that. I mean, he creates women with all of their requirements and normal women require beauty. That was my excuse and am stick to it. The rest of it, I will let Him as the almighty to decide. Another example is, as you all know, I love dogs. And as a Moslem, I wasn’t supposed to petting them. But I don’t really believe that. I mean, how could He created such a lovely creature but not allow anyone to love them? So yeah, I know they said that we are not allowed to touch them but I kiss them, sleep with them, and even shower with them. Do I feel guilty? To be honest, I don’t want to think about it that way. My intention of having dogs around is because of I love them and not because of I against God’s rule so I believe so that He will understand it. Hey, He can read you alright, can’t He? I mean, He’s the one who has that ultimate power, for God sake!  
I know this one is going to be a controversy but I can not ignore the curiosity inside my heart, so here is the thing, when fasting month started I received so many message through my Blackberry, Facebook, mobile phone text, and stuffs wishing me happy Ramadan. So of course, I replied back to all of those. Only, most of those messages are written in serious words so for me it was kind of boring. Then what did I do? I replied them in a slightly relax words message with a little bit joke at the end of it. As a result, one of dear friends of mine replied me back and told me that my message was inappropriate. Then I told him my excuse that I was only trying to let loose a little bit as everyone seemed to be so serious at this time of year. My dear friend then said, “You can not joke when it comes to religious things,” I was like, “Can’t I? Really? But why?”
Then this morning when I posted my new status on my Facebook profile about how excited I was knowing that today is the last day of fasting, another dear friend of mine also commented and remind me that, as a Moslem, am not supposed to be happy that Ramadan is finally toward the end. Because (according to my dear friend) it’s going to make it just like a bad lover, someone that we can not wait for them to leave. Their departures excite us. Then I was like, NO that was definitely not my intention. So yeah, I then answered him that for me, I was always treating Ramadan as my birthday. I mean, it comes once a year, I was always looking forward to it, but I also thrill when it’s done because that means it’s time for me to unwrap my presents. Ha!
Now seriously, for me, religious things were not something that limited us to anything in life. I mean, just because it was related to God, then we can not joke about it? For me, as long as it’s not underestimating and or insulting then it was fine. God has sense of humor too, I believe. And I also believe that He forgive me and understand me when I tried to joke and let loose a little bit, even if it’s about Him. The main thing is that I was never ever tried to make fun of Him. Joking and making fun of someone were two different things. And I was never ever made fun of my God, but I sometime joke religiously…if you know what I mean. Ha!

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