For those who don’t understand or might not follow, let me introduce to you about what am I talking about. These past few weeks, everyone in “gossip industry” was spoiled by the news about some set of adulteries did by the number one sportsman in the world, Tiger Woods. Of course, everyone was in shock, just like me. All the girls from his infidelities histories (yup, it’s plural) suddenly came out and spoke out. And no, they didn’t come out empty handed, oh no…they didn’t. A bunch of evidence were on their hands such as pictures and phone conversations tape. I wonder how did they manage to get all of those? Hah!
The incidence was started with a car crash the golfer had when he hit the tree in front of his house. His wife for some reasons slammed the glass window with a golf club, she quoted that was to help him to get out of the car. Did I hear someone say, ‘yeah right!’? And as a normal day in American life, the neighbor who heard the noise and was ‘concerned’ about that, called 911. I mean…seriously, if this happened somewhere in England or other countries, I bet thing was different. I bet the neighbor might watched what happened behind their closed curtains but no one would came out or called the Police. Come on, obviously that was a domestic problem so it’s better if we just let them solve it behind closed door, right? Nope, this is America, you guys! You call 911 over everything! Hah! Shortly, the police came and the news spread. What a worst nightmare to be happened to such a brilliant sportsman. Not that am a big fan, but I do respect anyone who done such a good job in sports. And to be in the spotlight over something stupid like that, totally a worst of the worst.
And yeah, the media never been easy on anything like this. They were digging the hole even deeper and deeper. And suddenly, the pictures of all of those girls were everywhere. A sixty minutes of fame, an over night publicity came to those girls over a humiliation of a great man in golf. What a shame! And to make it worse, the headline on the sports news also mention all the details. I feel sorry for the golfer and thought that it was right move for him to just keep quite and didn’t make any statement what so ever. But as we all know, he wasn’t alone in this thing. He sure has got a management to deal with his images and stuffs. I don’t mean to blame anyone in this such a disastrous, but for a guy to admitted that he has an addiction for sex and agreed to check himself to a rehab facility then came forward and spoke out to the media, that was hurt! Even for a great golfer like Tiger! As I said, am not a big fan, but I think everyone had gone too far in this case. I think it took more than just cheated on your partner to make you a sex addict. You sure are an unfaithful guy, but a sex addict? Na-ah. Come on, give the guy a break, will you? He’s not just a number one sportsman in the world, but he was also a hot guy. And with all of those million dollars he made, of course, he was entitled to flirt once in while, don’t you think so?
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