Here is the thing, another dear friend of mine was always has a difficulty to trust anyone. Every time I said something to him, he was like always accused me of lying. So, at the end I was like, “I know why do you have a doubt to every words I said. It was because of you were always lie to others so that you thought everyone did the same to you.” Surprisingly, he admitted it. Oh well, at least he said, ”Yeah, maybe you’re right.” Then I was like, “OMG, so these whole times, the whole things you said to me were all lies?” And guess what his answer to my accusation was? He was like, “Nope, I never lie to you, I lie to my girlfriend…yeah. But not to you.” What a big BS was that? Then he was like, “I don’t have to lie to you because I don’t have to hide anything from you. We’re not together. I only lie to my girlfriend.” Seriously, I still remember the mischievous smile on his face that night. Man!
Okay, call me a naïve or stupid or whatever, but, this thing was kind of confused me. These whole times I thought the opposite way. I thought we were not supposed to lie to our love ones as we were not supposed to hide anything from them. Not vice versa. I don’t know, maybe that was just me and my stupidity. Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to say that I am a saint who was always say the truth to my partner, of course, I lie sometime. Oh well, I don’t mean to preach anyone here as for me everything was just about a matter of choice whether you want to lie or not. As long as you know what you’re doing, go for it. Only, of course you have to realized that everything has its own consequential. So if you think you can handle it, hands up! You’re the man!
Back to my dear friend, here is my question, was that just him or could it be a typical of men in general? Honestly, I feel sorry for his girl as am a girl too. I can not imagine if someone I love said something like that behind my back. But, in the other hand, this guy is a dear friend. A very dear one, if you know what I mean. We told each other everything. But yeah, as a friend, I think it’s my job to convince him to quit his lying habit. But no, I won’t ask him to always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Because believe it or not, I do believe in white lies. If our intentions was to protect others’ feeling, then am sure God will understand. Hey, He’s the guy who knows everything, isn’t He? So, He sure do know our intentions every time we lie, right? In fact, He supposed to be the first one to know and to understand it. And for my own understanding, am sure my dear friend’s intention was to protect his girl’s feeling, so he wont hurt the girl he loves. Aaah, what a great guy he is! That is why I love him, hah! Speaking of love, one lesson I’ve got today was how thin the line between love and lies is. OMG, I think that is why my dear friend chose those words as his new label then. Because of the philosophy behind them! Aha!
Okay, call me a naïve or stupid or whatever, but, this thing was kind of confused me. These whole times I thought the opposite way. I thought we were not supposed to lie to our love ones as we were not supposed to hide anything from them. Not vice versa. I don’t know, maybe that was just me and my stupidity. Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to say that I am a saint who was always say the truth to my partner, of course, I lie sometime. Oh well, I don’t mean to preach anyone here as for me everything was just about a matter of choice whether you want to lie or not. As long as you know what you’re doing, go for it. Only, of course you have to realized that everything has its own consequential. So if you think you can handle it, hands up! You’re the man!
Back to my dear friend, here is my question, was that just him or could it be a typical of men in general? Honestly, I feel sorry for his girl as am a girl too. I can not imagine if someone I love said something like that behind my back. But, in the other hand, this guy is a dear friend. A very dear one, if you know what I mean. We told each other everything. But yeah, as a friend, I think it’s my job to convince him to quit his lying habit. But no, I won’t ask him to always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Because believe it or not, I do believe in white lies. If our intentions was to protect others’ feeling, then am sure God will understand. Hey, He’s the guy who knows everything, isn’t He? So, He sure do know our intentions every time we lie, right? In fact, He supposed to be the first one to know and to understand it. And for my own understanding, am sure my dear friend’s intention was to protect his girl’s feeling, so he wont hurt the girl he loves. Aaah, what a great guy he is! That is why I love him, hah! Speaking of love, one lesson I’ve got today was how thin the line between love and lies is. OMG, I think that is why my dear friend chose those words as his new label then. Because of the philosophy behind them! Aha!
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