Here is the thing, a friend of mine, not a close friend but yeah..I knew her for quite sometime now, told me that she was getting married in a few months time. Of course, this was a great news, if only she hadn't broke up with her boyfriend recently and still cried over it like a couple weeks ago. So yeah, I was like, with who? I didn't even know that she was seeing someone hence the confusion in my head. But as a friend, I have to be happy for her and show her my support, that's my job, right? Even though am not sure about it? She told me that she met the guy just over a week ago through a mutual friend and felt the connection then decided to go on with the married idea. Wow! That's the bravest thing for a girl to do, I have to admit. But as long as she's happy and knew what she was doing, I have nothing else to say.
Then of course, when this morning another friend told me about the wedding cancellation while the preparation was already 80% done, in fact I've just seen the pre-wed photos a couple of days ago, I was in shocked literally. First, of course I feel sorry for my friend. Because, unlike me, she was a type a girl who dedicated her life in searching for a husband. Yeah, she was that kind of a girl who enjoy being marriage so much hence her obsession on getting a man after her previous marriage crumbled was beyond.
But then again, am not going to discuss about that here, instead let's go back to the question I asked above. Obviously, this was a bad thing to be happened to a girl like my friend. I mean, she's a pretty girl, nice, and has a success business. Then what went wrong? A dear friend said that she was rushing it when she made the decision. So, does that mean 'Good things happen to those who wait'?
Here's another thing, when it comes to thing like this, sometime we just do what our feeling told us without any common sense involved. Besides, there's no guarantee that even if we wait, good things will definitely happen. In this case, it might not going to. Oh yeah, when it comes to love issue, it's a jungle out there! So you have to be quick and fast! A wise friend then said, 'Good things happen to those who wait, but they merely leftovers from those who act.' Thanks God I've found mine already so am not into the battle anymore. Hah!
Then another thing happened, a friend just broke his engagement up over the girl's jealousy that drove him mad. Well, as a girl I can see where this coming from. I mean, for girls the look was almost everything. Many times I found my male friends close their eyes over their girlfriends attitude when they look that good. So when your man surrounded by girls like that, you were entitle to be intimidated. But as someone who think like a guy, I can totally understand my friend too. Jealousy suck. I don't get jealous over thing like that, at least I won't bother showing it. I don't normally feel intimidated over anyone. But yeah, this drama made me kind of think, do good things happen to those who look good? I know, am a shallow person, someone said that before and am not going to hide the truth.
This blog written on Sunday, August 22nd 2010 and the story was about no one..so even though the scenes sound familiar, trust me..it wasn't about you..at all!!
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