Boys Don't Watch TV With Girls
I want to tell you guys a quite funny story of mine. The previous guy that I was with years ago, once asked me to come over to his hose. As this was supposed to be our first date, I was kind of hesitated as my rule is to meet up in public for any first date. But, because of he was babysitting his sister's kids therefore he couldn't leave the house. So I was like, "What are we going to do in your house anyway?" He answered, "We can watch DVDs or something." Stupidly, I believed him and that was how I ended up with him at first place. Sigh! Then last year when I met a guy who is now became a dear friend of mine, the history repeated itself. It was started on my night out with friends when we went out to a club on one Saturday night celebrated our other friend's wedding. At the club, there was this guy who was kind of flirted with us then introduced himself. Shortly, we exchanged phone numbers and the next day he called. After few brief conversations, he asked me if he can come over to my hotel. I was like, "What for?" And he said, "We can watch TV or something." I was like, "But it's Sunday, there is nothing good on telly in Sunday." He was like, "Then we can find something more interesting to do." Haha...nice! Typical guys! And why this sounds familiar to me? Hah! But no guys, there wasn't any interesting thing happened. Instead, the guy became one of our gang now and I even considered him as a dear friend. Now, what so funny about that? Okay, let me tell you why I said this was so funny. When a guy asked you to come over to his house or when he wanted to come over to yours, what excuse did he use? I mean, when I came over to the first guy I mentioned above house, I was seriously thought that we were going to watch DVDs or something. But I was wrong. Clearly, his real intention wasn't that. So, when the second guy used almost a similar excuse, I of course considered that as something funny. Here is the thing, after those experiences that I had, I now realized that it was just a trick that a guy used to get us, the girls. I mean, seriously, normal guys will never asked girls to watch TV with them. Why? Because they would probably want to watch football games or even 'Jackass' while we want to watch 'The Gossip Girls' or even 'American Idol.' And believe it or not, we (girls) were always win the vote hence normal guys don't find watching TV with girls as something fascinating. Nor watching DVDs. In fact, it was a torture for them when we make them watch that 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days' instead of 'Star Wars.' So yeah, my point is, when a guy asked you to watch TV and or DVDs with him, he doesn't mean it literally. There was always something else behind those magic words. And you know what, as for me and the second guy I mentioned above, now that everything was passed us, we often joke about it. I mean, am not a type of girl who is frankly comfortable with the words 'Booty Call' which I have a problem to even say them. For me, it sounds dirty and cheesy. But now, I have a better words to say such thing. were right, the words were 'watching TV.' For some reasons, those words sound more acceptable and decent. So guys, do you REALLY want to watch TV with me? Or do you have something else in mind? Hah! ^_^
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