Some people who put religious thing on a strongest position would think of this disaster as a punishment from God of what we did wrong in the past. Well, I never see it that way. Okay, you can say that am not a religious type of person, but I do believe in one thing and that thing is my God doesn’t do revenge. I believe that if God wanted us to leave in a peaceful harmony, then why would He does such thing? Doesn’t make any sense to me. Have you ever think of this might be has something to do with our mistake to the nature? Our failure of keep the balance in our daily basis? How did we destroy our rain forests so that they can not hold any more water for us and how did we take all of those sands to build all of those sky reaches buildings?
The thing is guys, I think that we need to start using our common sense instead of those mambo jumbo things. Everything that we could answer logically. Oh no, am not asking you to stop all of those prays that you did on your daily routine, for sure we need them at some points. But, instead of doing those prays all day long, why don’t we start to fix the damage that we caused to our nature, and let see what happen next? Gosh, now I can understand why all of those Hollywood superstars seeking answers in that Scientologist belief, because they were tired of seeking answer from the holly bible just to find out that when you believe in God, you don’t doubting His words. Well, guess what…I do believe in God but my head also demanding some common sense answers for all of my questions.
When the first time I wrote about “Searching God”, a dear friend who doesn’t believe in God, suggested me to visit a website about how God was actually just a doctrine from churches and priests to their followers. Wow, kind of scary, huh? Seriously, I was signed out from that website half way through because of am afraid of what the damage that might get in to my soul if I continued watching. To be honest with you, I don’t want to change my belief as am very comfortable with it. Saying that though, it would probably different if my parents didn’t give a strong religious based since I was a kid. But yeah, they did, so here I am.
Back to my point, I just want to tell you guys, at this stage we are not in the position to judge others or even ourselves by saying that what happened yesterday was a punishment from God. I don’t believe that God is that shallow, He’s way beyond that. Unlike us, He’s not an anger type of guy. Beside, He doesn’t need to show off his almighty power just to warn us, He loves us. We’re his creature, aren’t we? So yeah, don’t get me wrong guys, am not against any religious thing here. But, even in my belief, they were always said that, “Do something first, then pray so God will help you with the result of what you were doing.” Did you read that properly? Do something first. And yeah, a dear friend said to me once that everything happened, happens for a reason and I think that he was absolutely correct. But, the thing is, the reason was not always religious.
To all of my dear friends and relatives who got hit bad time by yesterday's quake, don't worry guys..God loves you all!
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