One of my friend on Facebook was so upset about the bombing so that she said ‘f*ck you terrorists and f*ck your God too’. I can clearly understand where these came from, but my friend, I was just want to remind everyone here that these all had nothing to do with anyone’s God whatsoever. My God never told me to kill anyone and I believe so does yours and everyone else’s. In case if you never notice that all of those suicide bombers were came from a poor background where they were never got any proper education so that others can easily doctrines them with what they called holly war and how they were going straight to heaven just by doing all of these. Don’t believe me? Okay, how many millionaires or educated people doing such thing? None. Nada. Nil. And you know why? Not because of they don’t want to go to heaven, but mostly because of their life were too good to be given up, and because of they were too smart to just buying those doctrines without any doubt. So yeah, let’s not make this thing as a religious thing, because it was not. It was definitely not.
Since the bombing was happened just nine days after the election, it could also probably just a reaction from those who were not happy with the election’s result, who knows? But one thing for sure, this stupidity was only did by some idiots who thought that they are something or someone by doing such terrors just to scared people. Well, maybe you did, but it didn’t make you a winner at all. You are just a useless human being who been used by some arrogant people to make their points. What a wasted! So yeah, you have got bombs. So yeah, you think you were something real. Well…guess what, that don’t impressed me much!
Ok I agree with you 100%. It so happens that generalisations of the moslems has become 2 much.