Top Gear was one of my favorite program on telly together with Premiership and First Edition, but this news was really ruined it. Seriously guys, I was always wished that he was anyone but Schumacher. My disappointment was genuinely came from how arrogant this guy I think is. But I do like Stig so much and this news really killing me. My disappointment genuinely came from many things that I hate about Schumacher but now I was kind of speechless as I can not say that I feel the same about Stig, he was my idol from the beginning as Kristin Scott Thomas for Jeremy, hah!
Now that the real identity about Stig was revealed, I was kind of thinking twice to watch Top Gear again. I am pretty sure that many people out there wished the same thing with me. Yeah, I wished that they were never revealed who Stig really is as keeping him as a misery actually what makes the show interesting to watch because people keep on guessing on who the Stig really is. I was always convinced that he must be someone famous, but seriously, I wished that he was anyone but that German. Well yeah , it was because of I was never too keen with his attitude as a driver and as a person. And nothing interested about him what so ever. I knew that some of you guys thought that he was your hero, but for me, he was nothing than an arrogant human being who can drive a little bit better than me, hah! Am so sorry Schummie, I just not that in to you like everyone else.
But yeah, now I must deal with this shocking news. I have got to admitted that am not happy with this but what can I say? Oh dear, I really wished that they kept this mistery behind closed door and let everyone guessing on who Stig really is. Because, believe it or not, this is actually what makes the show so fun to watch…the mystery about the Stig! Well, except for the session about those sports cars, of course. And also when they invited all of those celebrities to do the test drive and compared who the fastest of them all. Last season it was Simon Cowell, but because of he was on the top for quite sometime, for this season, the creator of the show decided to invited the fastest driver from the previous season, which was Jay Kay, just to see if he can beat Cowell, and guess what? He did! With only 0.01 second faster! I love this episode so much so that I could watch it over and over again! But yeah, back to my point…please guys, anyone but him!
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