So yeah, since that day I was trying so hard to say thank you to everyone but I don’t think I did it right. I found it was hard to change my ignorant habit and I was forgot about that word almost every times. Let say like last time when my parents gave me some money after they made some from their business, I didn’t even thank them until the week after when my sister reminded me to. And now, I feel so bad about it. What a daughter to have I am! What a shamed!
That is why, today I decided to wrote a Thank You Note to all of the people in my life. And I said people, so don’t judge me by not saying those words to my God. Because if I want to say thank you to Him, I would prefer to do it directly in my prays rather than write it here. So yeah, my first list to thank you is, of course, my family specially to my parents for giving me such a wonderful life since I was born. For the love and compassion that they always provide me, for the advices, the critics, and even for leaving me alone. Because sometimes I do need times to be alone with myself. And next, of course my brother and sister, who were always with me since I can remember. Thank you for all of the fights that grew me up, the arguments, and the loves for sure. I thank you to all of my friends, which are not a lot but I know for definite that you are indeed know who you are so I don’t have to mention any names here. For most of my time I spent with you and my times that I am going to spend with you, I thank you all for that. So many things I’ve learned from you and it helps me to build myself and be the person that I am now. I also want to thank all of the people that hate me, if I can not say enemies. Because I do believe that from ten people that love you, that means there are another ten people that hate you. So yeah, I thank you for hating me because deep inside my heart I do believe that love and hate are separated by only a thin line so of course, deep inside my heart I do believe that even if you hate me, there must be because of something that you love about me but you couldn’t face it. So yeah, thank you for that.
The last but not least, I really-really want to thank you all of the men in my life, in particular is my man at the moment for making me a better person. For being with me when the fact that I am a very selfish, stubborn, and ignorant person but you put yourself up for those attitudes. Thank you for the loves that you gave and going to give me. Thank you for teaching me how to love someone back as I was always in love only with myself until you changed me. But the most important thing is, thank you so much for inspiring me writing this note.
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