Saturday, 31 December 2011

Welcoming 2012

Alright, for some people 2012 might going to be a disaster as they believe that world is finally come to the end following the Mayan doomsday's prediction, BUT, I personally never really buy it. I mean, yeah if I ever going to believe of anything, there are a variety of popular beliefs about the year 2012. These beliefs range from the spiritually transformative to the apocalyptic, and center upon various interpretations of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Contemporary scientists have disputed the apocalyptic versions. So now this leaves room for speculation. Other people say that this is the time when the sun will move from its place and relocate itself in a certain position that will enable it to serve as a gateway. This said gateway should be the gateway between two worlds. The world of the souls and the material world will meet. They say that in this faithful day, the darkness will vanish and we will leave in peace and prosperity. Another prediction is that this will be the end of the world, the end of human existence. Speculators say that this will be the day where earth faces destruction. There are so many predictions that are said to happen in 12-21-2012. One prediction claims the earth will collapse due to having collided with a black hole. Another prediction says that on this day we will experience the full effects of global warming, and all of the lands will be submerged in water and the Earth will experience another ice age just as scientists claimed that it has occurred a few millions of years ago. Others say that we will be struck by a meteor, while some say that there will be a huge earthquake and a mega tsunami. There are also those who believe that it will be a positive change as opposed to what others have claimed. They said that it will be a time for spiritual transformation. It will be the day when good finally defeats evil. They say that people will undergo a deep spiritual transformation. People will start to turn away from their misdoing and change their ways. So, what to believe?
Now here are two opposing views on this said event. Nothing is certain, no one really knows what the Mayans have predicted or what they saw. There is not even a clear view given as to why they Mayan calendar stopped on that date. One thing is clear, this ancient calendar, although old as it may seem, has resurrected itself in the midst of this modern world. It has caught the imagination of the people and caused them to panic, fear, jubilation, and wonder. With that, it truly is an amazing invention.
So guys, are you prepared for an emergency?
