I remember in one of the show, when they were in one of those typical American Fast Food Chains, and her boys band husband asked her if she would like to have a buffalo wings, then she was like, “I don’t eat buffalo.” Everyone was like, laughed their head off, couldn’t believe what they just heard. But seriously guys, I was like, very, I mean VERY, sure that she was playing around at that time, you know, just to make the show more interesting. Oh yeah, she knew what buffalo wings is for sure. Hey, she a Texan, remember? And it worked! That episode became a phenomenon in the whole country and made more people tuned in to the show. What a smart girl! And don’t forget when she became a spoke person to one of those tin tuna company, then someone asked her what she likes about those tunas, and she was like, ”I think tuna is the best fish meat, it was like chicken of the ocean,” Once again, people were laughed at her and thought that it was the stupidest sentence they ever heard. Well, let me tell you something here people, it certainly was not the smartest thing to say, but I can understand completely what she meant at that time. It means that she thought that chicken is the best meat on ground and tuna is the same thing, only it comes from the sea, so it makes tuna is the chicken of the ocean. So, who’s the stupid one here then? Duh!
So yeah, maybe you think that she is a dumb blonde, but I don’t think so. She was just simply playing around with everyone and what is the benefit for her? Yup, exactly…a multi million dollars brand images for her cosmetics and shoe line. See, I told you how she fool you all, didn’t I? It’s all about the money, guys. I would do the same for the exact same compensation, yeah, I would play dumb if someone willing to pay me to. Hah!
Then came along Paris Hilton, a different kind of ‘dumb blonde’ icon. She was so famous with the words “That’s Hot!” that she always said during her ‘Simple Life’ show on telly. Yup, you guessed it right if you think that it was another reality show, only this one was a little bit different because she did it with her sidekick Nicole Ritchie (yup, you’re right again, she is indeed the daughter of Lionel). The show was about two spoil-rich girls who given up everything they got and had to live in a normal house with a normal family and tried to mingled with their communities. So yeah, no cell phones, no cash, no credit cards, nothing. And they had to worked for the money and actually this was what made the show so funny. These two were absolutely never had any real job, if you can say that, ever in their whole life. But am pretty sure that some of the stupidity that they did was fake or at least exaggerated, that was totally an act, you guys! And I also don’t understand why are people make fun and laughed at the way they speak, you know, with all of those secret phrase that they used? I don’t see anything wrong with that, because you sure do have some secret language when you talk with your best friend, don’t you? Don't you guys get it? It’s a girls thing! And should I mention about how she get paid at least half a million dollars just to appears to any party in the world? So yeah, for those who were skeptical about this dumb blonde thing, well...guess what, am not blonde, and am certainly far from being dumb, but yeah…that’s hot!